

Inventory control systems are our specialty. Regardless of industry, our solutions are designed to meet the needs of your workforce, ensure employee satisfaction and most ultimately, improve the bottom line. Our Intelligent vending machines can help track inventory without being physically at the machine with real time software. Simply login to the program and see what your inventory needs are for each machine. Inventory control systems with smart vending machines are a huge benefit to any business. Industries we supply to include:

Health & Fitness - Overview

SmartVend’s Fitness machinesprovide customers, students, and staff with instant, self-service access to workout supplies and fitness-friendly snacks and beverages, while being a profit center for health clubs, fitness facilities, and campus recreation departments.

– Use SmartVend’s secured gym vending machines to provide customers 24/7 access to products and supplies

– Utilize existing POS systems, such as ABC Financial, , to integrate our health and fitness vending machines seamlessly into your business.

– Provide users convenience through cashless payment options- Access your data anywhere, anytime through SmartVend‘s iQ Technology web-based interface

– Dispense a wide variety of shapes and sizes of products with SmartVend’s flexible gym vending machines and lockers.


SMARTVEND’s automated dispensing solutions!

This will only take a few moments. First, let's get some basic information. Then all you will need to do is input the item cost and monthly usage of ANY supply item.

Step 1 of 2